Special Invitation Rate Expiring on September 13, 2019
Thank You For Your Participation in Bluenotes GLOBAL 2019. Reserve Your Place at Bluenotes GLOBAL 2020 Now & Get 50% Off!
Location: Chicago | Date: Aug. 2 – Aug. 5, 2020
Special Exclusive Invitation Rate of 50% Off Expiring on Sep. 13, 2019
Thank you again for your participation in the 6th Bluenotes GLOBAL conference 2019, advancing the mission of the Bluenotes Community to continuously improve student learning and professional development through Connect. Share. Learn.
We are pleased to inform the Bluenotes GLOBAL 2019 attendees of a special invitation to reserve your place at the 7th Bluenotes GLOBAL 2020 with an exclusive 50% discount off the regular registration fee. This offer is available only to you as a thank you for your engagement in the Bluenotes GLOBAL 2019 to build a stronger Bluenotes community and an elevated impactful learning and professional development experience.
Reserve your place at the Bluenotes GLOBAL 2020 by September 13, 2019 and get 50% off the regular registration fee. And stay tuned for the location and the conference theme that will be defined with the Bluenotes Community members.
Sponsored by Explorance
August 2-5
- August 2: Pre-conference workshops and community meetups
- August 3-5: Conference
Chicago, USA
Conference Registration Rates
EARLY BIRD: $599 USD (ends May 1, 2020) Buy two & get a third registration free.
REGULAR: $895 USD (ends July 17, 2020) Buy two, and get a third registration free.
SPECIAL INVITATION: 50% off of regular registration rate, ending September 13, 2019.
Registration Fee Includes: Full conference registration with option for pre-conference workshops and Architecting Change Leadership Roundtables at no additional fee; attendance to the opening reception; breakfast, lunch, and refreshments throughout the conference; and attendance to the social activity and dinner Thursday evening. A Blue certification training camp is not included in the conference registration fee
Social Events
Sunday, August 2: Welcome Reception
Tuesday, August 4: Social Dinner
Conference Theme
TBD with the Bluenotes Community members
Bluenotes GLOBAL 2020 Contact
BNG2020@explorance.com or Diana Cervantes at dcervantes@explorance.com