Liverpool John Moores University is committed to ensuring that the students receive the highest quality learning experience, and student opinion of their academic programmes is highly valued by the institution. The University has a range of formal and informal mechanisms for obtaining student feedback of which module evaluation is a crucial component. The module evaluation survey seeks feedback from students on learning-related issues and is a key indicator in the institutional processes for the enhancement and assurance of academic quality.
During this presentation the University will share their first-hand experiences selecting and implementing an online course evaluation solution, including challenges and successes in providing useful information to users at all levels.
Watch the video presentation.
Making the Most of Module Evaluation for Curriculum Enhancement at LJMU
By Rishabh Bitola|2019-09-18T16:56:13-04:00July 28th, 2016|Archived Webinars, Blue, Community-Led, Creating and Distributing Reports, Preparing Data for Feedback Collection, Setting-up and Launching a project|Comments Off on Making the Most of Module Evaluation for Curriculum Enhancement at LJMU