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833 Results found in “All Knowledge Base“


(Bluenotes Global 2018) How to Optimize Course Evaluation Response Rates with Strategies, Techniques, and Features, eXplorance - August 10, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) How to Leverage Blue Surveys at Your Institution, eXplorance - August 10, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) How to Optimize Course Evaluation Response Rates with Strategies, Techniques, and Features, Washtenaw Community College & eXplorance - August 10, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) You’ve got data! Now what?, Oregon Health and Science University - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Using Survey Data to Inform Engineering Student Retention Programming: A Case Study, University of Louisville - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) What’s New with Blue Reporting and Analytics, eXplorance - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Using Survey Data to Inform Engineering Student Retention Programming: A Case Study, University of Louisville - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Things to Consider When Building Data Feeds, University of Maryland - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) So, Your Institution Has Purchased Blue. Now What? eXplorance’s CEO has the Answers!, eXplorance & University of Louisville - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Maintaining a High Response Rate for Course Evaluation While Assuring the Feedback Reliability The Case of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Panel Discussion: Leveraging Bluepulse Live Formative Feedback to Entice High Faculty and Student Engagement in Learning, University of New South Wales; Washtenaw Community College; Skyline College - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Implementing Student Evaluation of Teaching Using eXplorance-Blue in Two Faculties/Schools at the Vaal University of Technology, Vaal University of Technology - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) How to Transform Your Course Evaluation Process to be More Forward Looking, eXplorance - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Getting Blue in Maroon and Gold: Perspectives from the New Business Owner of the Student Rating of Teaching Program, University of Minnesota - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) From Zero to One – eXplorance – The Origins, eXplorance - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Engage Your instructors in Professional Development with Bluepulse, eXplorance - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Determining Student Sentiment Using Blue Text Analytics (BTA): Implementation of Grade Pathways, University of Louisville - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Comparing the Use of Results from National and Internal Student Experience Surveys – How Should Institutions Respond?, University of New South Wales - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Assessing the Reliability and Validity of Student Course Evaluations: Ongoing Dialogue Revisited, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis & eXplorance - August 9, 2018


(Bluenotes Global 2018) Analytics in Higher Education: The Pathway to Our Future, University of Louisville - August 9, 2018