Guidelines for Ensuring a Smooth Course Evaluation Implementation at a Large University

The University of Minnesota started using eXplorance Blue in Fall 2013 with one college and rolled its use out to much of the rest of the undergraduate population in spring term 2014 for its main Twin Cities campus. This session will focus on course evaluation implementation issues and strategies from the perspective of the university. [...]

Making the Most of Module Evaluation for Curriculum Enhancement at LJMU

Liverpool John Moores University is committed to ensuring that the students receive the highest quality learning experience, and student opinion of their academic programmes is highly valued by the institution. The University has a range of formal and informal mechanisms for obtaining student feedback of which module evaluation is a crucial component. The module evaluation [...]

In Just a Few Clicks of the Mouse! Automate and Save Valuable Time with Blue

Do you set up a course evaluation survey for each part of term, every term, every time? The Alamo Colleges District is comprised of 5 Colleges with 9 different parts of term, all surveying at the same time. The impact would have been 45 survey instances, until we were able to configure and structure the [...]