Achieving Teaching Excellence and Student Success: Bluepulse At Sheridan College

Institutions are challenged to play an active role in enabling faculty development and fostering communities of self-directed learners. Bluepulse by eXplorance is an adaptive improvement tool that allows instructors to leverage anonymous formative feedback to make iterative changes in the learning environment. Instructors publish opportunities for improvement that are current and relevant to students. Having [...]

Increasing Engagement in Online Course Evaluations at Washington State University

Engaging students and faculty is essential to an effective assessment process. If you’re interested in increasing engagement, accessibility, and student participation in online course evaluations, come find out how Washington State University is successfully delivering eXplorance’s reliable solutions through their Blackboard Learn environment to achieve their assessment goals. Watch the video presentation.  

Breaking Down Barriers to Implementing Online Course Evaluations by Cultivating Institution Wide Buy-in

The University of Louisville (UofL) successfully transitioned the decentralized course evaluation administration processes of 12 academic units to a centralized online administration using Blue in the fall 2010 semester. The success of this implementation was due to a multifaceted approach that addressed the cultural and logistical aspects of institutional assessment. In this presentation, we share [...]

Linking Course Evaluations to Grade Access: Penn’s Approach to Raising Response Rates

As it implemented an online system for course evaluations, Penn created a “grade pathway” that prompted students to either complete their evaluations or opt out of evaluations prior to retrieving their grades for a semester. This strategy led to an increase in response rates to over 85%, up from 70% using the old method. Join [...]

Take Your Course Evaluation Email Notifications to the Next Level

Email is the primary and most effective way to communicate with your students and faculty. A properly designed email can improve your response rate, increase transparency and improve faculty satisfaction. At Virginia Commonwealth University we combined our past experience of online evaluations with functionality available in Blue to craft awesome emails. Join us to learn: [...]

Data From Students to Students: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!

In 2012, the faculty council passed a policy allowing students access to five of the nine campus-wide common course questions asked on the Online Course Questionnaire (OCQ), Indiana University Bloomington’s name for course evaluations. This spring, in time for students to create their semester schedule, the OCQ Student Dashboard was released and students for the [...]

Assessments in Support of Teaching & Learning: The SFU Experience

Simon Fraser University has been engaged in a multi-year process to replace its outdated student evaluation of teaching and courses with an updated system that reflects new understanding from educational research. This ambitious initiative is squarely aimed at supporting teaching and enhancing student learning. The session will cover an overview of the journey so far, [...]

Guidelines for Ensuring a Smooth Course Evaluation Implementation at a Large University

The University of Minnesota started using eXplorance Blue in Fall 2013 with one college and rolled its use out to much of the rest of the undergraduate population in spring term 2014 for its main Twin Cities campus. This session will focus on course evaluation implementation issues and strategies from the perspective of the university. [...]

Closing the Loop with Bluepulse®: Using Instant Social Feedback to Deliver an Improved Student Experience at RMIT

**Unfortunately, this webinar’s recording was unusable. In its place we offer the slides used, the questions & answers submitted, and a short video of the features presented.** View PDF document: Closing the Loop with Bluepulse. View PDF document: Questions from the Webinar - RMIT Responses. Watch the Bluepulse video demonstration.  

Making the Most of Module Evaluation for Curriculum Enhancement at LJMU

Liverpool John Moores University is committed to ensuring that the students receive the highest quality learning experience, and student opinion of their academic programmes is highly valued by the institution. The University has a range of formal and informal mechanisms for obtaining student feedback of which module evaluation is a crucial component. The module evaluation [...]